Sunday, May 31, 2009

My 1st tattoo. Bowtie!

I couldn't think of anything creative to get and i didn't wont to get anything big for my first tattoo, so I got the bowtie or is it bow tie? it only cost $20 which my cousin paid for(thanks). i think the tat is o.k. i could be better. but you get what you pay for and i wasn't really expecting nothing outstanding for $20. but i'll get it redone in the future so im not really going crazy about it.(i think it looks like candy).hope i dont see anybody with my tat, just like my hair. but if i do see people I'll be ok just as long as its not the whole city of atlanta wearing a tattoo bowtie. I hate when things become a trend, it just fucks everything up haha, i would tattoo a big box over if that ever happened. but, im pretty sure im not the only one with this tat. i searched the web to make sure and i only saw someone with a necktie, you know the long one. haha.

-My tattoo artist said it was his first bowtie tattoo! =]


  1. w0w, never saw one before...take another pic with your shirt off so i can see it better


  2. i think that's something original .. at least where i'm from .. my city does nothing but follow trends because no one's bold enough to stand out :|

  3. Never seen something like that, I likeee.

  4. I like that .. I haven't heard of anyone having that .. mad props for thinking outside of the box :]

  5. Cul blog, keep it up!
    Check out mine:
    'blackspace and milan'

  6. thats a really nice pic of u

  7. dopee shxtt

    follow me me on here

    n ill follow you bakk;;)

  8. I like it...I would have got something like that ...I want a necklace....:)
